PD Dr. Jan Logemann
Visiting Professor, substituting for Univ-Prof. Dr. Axel R. Schäfer, Chair of American History
In the summer semester 2023 I am visiting professor of American history at the University of Mainz. I study modern American history in transnational perspective with a special focus on questions of migration, knowledge transfers, and economic relations. I received my PhD in history from the Pennsylvania State University in 2007 and completed my habilitation in modern history at Göttingen University in 2019. My most recent book project explored the role of European immigrants and emigres in shaping transatlantic transfers in marketing, commercial design, and consumer psychology since the interwar years. Transatlantic comparisons and the development of mass consumer societies in the twentieth century have been a major research emphasis of mine. I have published on the history of consumer credit, retailing and urban space, on forms of public consumption and on elite migration. Currently, I am preparing a new research project on the development of funeral markets and businesses in Germany and the United States since the 19th century.
At Göttingen University I am “Privatdozent” for Economic and Social History and program director of the Eramus Mundus Joint Masters Degree “Global Markets, Local Creativities” (GLOCAL). Since 2017 I have been an affiliated lecturer at the School of Social Sciences at Glasgow University. From 2009 to 2014 I was a research fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C. and project coordinator of “Transatlantic Perspectives: Europe in the Eyes of European Immigrants to the United States”.
PD Dr. Jan Logemann
Philosophicum II
Jakob-Welder-Weg 20
Room 02.211
Phone: +49-6131-39-28957
Office hours:
Tue, 10-11