About the Institute
The Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies fosters synergies in research and teaching related to the Americas in a global context. It is an integral part of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and underlines the traditionally strong relationship between Mainz and the United States.
Relying on a highly engaged faculty, we are committed to providing excellence in research and teaching. At the Transnational American Studies Institute we offer a B.A. in American Studies, an M.A. in American Studies, and a Ph.D. Degree.
Based on our three pillars of research – Early American Studies, Contemporary American Studies, and History – we have a strong emphasis on Indigenous Studies, Life Writing/Life Sciences, Political & Intellectual History, Film & Media Studies, Religion and American Culture, and Materiality.
The institute relies on the generous support by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and various other sponsors, such as the German Research Foundation (DFG).