Dr. Torsten Kathke
Lecturer / wiss. Mitarbeiter, Abteilung Schäfer
My dissertation dealt with the Gadsden Purchase region in the US Southwest, in the southern parts of today’s Arizona and New Mexico during the roughly half-century from its purchase by the United States until the onset of World War I. The resulting book, Wires That Bind: Nation, Region, and Technology in the Southwestern United States, 1854–1920 was published in July 2017.
My current research project (Habilitation) focuses on popular books about the state of society (“Zeitdiagnosen” or “Gegenwartsdiagnosen”) in the United States and Germany during the 1970s and 1980s; a time during which non-fiction books were an important but so far often neglected part of popular culture and academic, political, and – more broadly – public discourse.
Dr. Torsten Kathke
Philosophicum II
Jakob-Welder-Weg 20
Room 02.215
Phone: +49-6131-39-24628 (this number will be forwarded to voicemail most of the time. Please e-mail for phone appointments.)
Office hours will be held mostly via Microsoft Teams. Please inquire for in-person meetings.
Office hours during the semester break vary. Please check the link below or contact me directly.
Click here to see currently available office hours and reserve a slot.
- Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL) Project (GIGA Hamburg/Auswärtiges Amt)
- Podcast: Was wäre gewesen? “Ford begnadigt Nixon nicht”
- Blog Post: GESIS – “Popular Science in Times of Covid”
- Podcast: #KönigVonDeutschland – “Aus der Geschichte lernen”
- Interview: Mediendienst Integration – “Vieles wird uns im Rückblick absurd erscheinen”
- Radio: Deutschlandfunk Nova – Hörsaal, “Damals war Zukunft”
- Book: Wires That Bind: Nation, Region, and Technology in the Southwestern United States, 1854–1920
- Research Blog: “Thus, History!”
- Personal Homepage (with publications and CV)
- Twitter (inactive)
- Bluesky