Ph.D. in American Studies

The institute hosts a vibrant PhD program, bringing together scholars from various countries beyond Germany, like the U.S., Canada, China, and more. Our PhD students specialize among other topics in life writing research, indigenous studies, early American studies, material culture studies, and transnational American histories. Our PhD students benefit from our partner institutions as well as from the international PhD programs we are associated with. We offer two ways to pursue your PhD:


Individual Doctoral Studies

Depending on your research interests, please contact one of our program’s professors (Mita Banerjee, Jutta Ernst, Alfred Hornung, Axel Schäfer, Oliver Scheiding). If one of them accepts you as a PhD candidate, they will serve as your supervisor and mentor. The duration of an individual doctorate depends on one’s personal schedule and usually ranges from three to five years. Depending on your project’s quality, you may apply for a funding period of up to three years. Funding is provided by Stiftung Rheinland Pfalz, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, DAAD or foundations such as Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and others (see, visit DAAD’s website Research in Germany or talk to your supervisor about options). 


Binational PhD Mainz-Atlanta

For individual doctoral studies we offer a dual degree in American Studies jointly supported by Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz and Georgia State University, Atlanta. The three-year program includes a mutual student exchange for 12 months as well as full integration in course work and teaching in the academic programs of both universities. The program is fully funded by both departments and is open to all graduate students who have earned a Master’s degree in American Studies. For application procedures please contact Professors Alfred Hornung and Oliver Scheiding.  

In addition, PhD candidates can participate in the following exchange programs (10-12 months):

  • Columbia University, New York City (contact: Professors Banerjee and Hornung)
  • University of Mississippi, Oxford (contact: Professors Banerjee and Hornung)
  • University of California, Davis (contact: Professor Scheiding)


Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies
Jakob-Welder-Weg 20
55128 Mainz
+49 6131 39-22357
+49 6131 39-29097