Nov. 25, 2021 – 15.30-17.30 – Obama Lecture – Dekanatssaal (ReWi, 03-150)

Come join us for the annual Thanksgiving Obama Lecture, where we will hear a lecture on “Graphic Narratives of the Middle Passage” by Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein from the University of Siegen and will give out awards for outstanding undergrad and PhD work.

Please see the flyer below for details.

Nov. 25, 2021 – 18.00 – Antrittsvorlesung Reisner – Online (MS Teams)

Following the Obama Lecture and Award Ceremonies, please join us online on MS Teams for Dr. habil Philipp Reisner’s Öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung on “Crises of Faith in Jonathan Franzen’s Fiction and the Role of Theology in American Studies”


Scheduled Events Lectures News