The OI will be hosting an informal first meet & greet for students and alumni of American Studies and cordially invites all students of the BA and MA programs to connect with each other and our alumni. This is your chance to talk about possible careers after finishing an American Studies program and ask any question you might have on how to make the most of your degree and ambitions.
Two alumnae, who are holding qualified positions, will speak about their jobs and their working experiences to students interested in finding out more about opportunities and perspectives for American Studies graduates.
Für Bachelor-Vollzeitstudierende mit Migrationshintergrund aller Studiengänge an deutschen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen
Fulbright Sommerstudienprogramm in den USA: „Diversity Initiative” an der Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas vom 17. August bis 16. September 2023
Zusammen mit amerikanischen Studierenden besuchen die Teilnehmenden Seminare und Workshops zu Geschichte, Politik, Gesellschaft und Bildungssystem der USA. Im Dialog mit US-Kommiliton:innen gewinnen sie wichtige Einblicke in das amerikanische Studium und Campusleben. Ausflüge und Begegnungen im multikulturellen San Antonio und Umgebung komplementieren das akademische Programm.
Ausführliche Informationen zum Stipendienprogramm finden Sie auf unserer Webseite.
Für die Ausschreibung auf LinkedIn, Facebook und Instagram verwenden wir das Hashtag #FulbrightGermany
On Nov 10 the Obama Institute will hold an info session on its Direct Exchange programs. Please join us in room P 11 (Philosophicum) for more information about the exciting exchange opportunities!
Nov 10, 18:00-20:00 (s.t.)
P 11 (Philosophicum)
Please find all details about the session on the flyer, which is available for download here and on the Exchange page, where you can also browse general information on the programs in order to get a headstart on what your options are and what an application would entail.
Looking forward to talking to you in person on Nov 10, when we will be happy to answer all your questions!
Chancen für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen: Vernetzen Sie sich mit der Forschung in den USA
Werden Sie Teil der internationalen Community von Fulbright-Stipendiat:innen und Alumni.
Bis zum 1. Juni 2022 können sich deutsche Promotionsstudierende bei Fulbright Germany für ein Doktorandenstipendium bewerben. Wir fördern vier- bis sechsmonatige Forschungsprojekte an einer US-Hochschule, die zwischen dem 1. Januar und 31. Juni 2023 beginnen.
Das Stipendium finanziert Unterhaltskosten von 1.700 Euro/Monat, Nebenkosten in Höhe von 300 Euro, die transatlantische Reise, eine Kranken-/Unfallversicherung und das Fulbright J-1 Visum.
In unserer „Office Hour“ am 3. Mai von 12:30 bis 13:30 Uhr informieren und beraten wir Sie gerne auf Zoom. Registrieren Sie sich bitte hier, damit wir Sie vor dem Termin über die Zoom-Zugangsdaten informieren können.
Detaillierte Informationen zum Stipendienprogramm finden Sie auf unserer Webseite.
Call for Papers (abstract deadline 30 Sept. 2021):
Special Forum on Diagnosing Migrant Experience: Medical Humanities and Transnational American Studies
This special forum of the Journal of Transnational American Studies explores how Transnational American Studies and Medical Humanities can be mutually complementary. At their core, both disciplines work on, with, and beyond phenomena of multiple crossings of geographic, cultural, linguistic, epistemological, material, and physical borders.In doing so Transnational American Studies and Medical Humanities perpetually transgress their disciplinary borders. Hence, this special issue focuses on the crossroads of the two disciplines where each of these can fruitfully enhance the other.
In Medical Humanities approaches such as Narrative Medicine, the focus has been on the individual illness experience; migration-related questions such as racialization or trauma have only recently been coming to the fore. Here, migration is inextricably linked to questions of social justice. Seen from this perspective, Medical Humanities have been enriched through the perspective on migration studies. Similarly, issues of migration have also loomed large in Transnational American Studies. Work in this field has stressed the ways in which, through migrants’ perspectives, the US nation-state was seen from the outside and the inside simultaneously. At the same time, migrant experience has often been characterized by processes of racialized exclusion, economic poverty, and personal and collective trauma. These latter concerns have also centrally been investigated by the field of Medical Humanities. The current Covid-19 pandemic has once again shown that, in epidemiological terms, national boundaries cannot be policed. More than ever, there is a need for concepts and methodologies which enable us to think the medical and the transnational at one and the same time and ask for the role of literature and art within this process.
This special forum proposes that Transnational American Studies and Medical Humanities may fruitfully converge in reconfiguring different concepts of life. Through the lens of Transnational American Studies, this forum looks at how lives have been excluded by immigration bans and national border policing. In this context, Transnational American Studies emerges as a framework to make these lives visible by mapping them not only in a literal, but also in a figurative sense. Moreover, these border crossings often come at a price for those who cross the line in both a metaphorical and an actual sense: Migration and cultural invisibility can be accompanied by trauma and displacement. In this context, exhibitions and artworks on undocumented migration have emphasized the ways in which art and performance can go beyond narrative depictions of the traumas that can accompany forced migration and undocumented lives. At the intersection between migration and trauma, the borders that are being crossed are both land borders and waterways.
The experience of migration can also, quite literally, be combined with a lack of access to health care especially for undocumented migrants and unaccompanied minors. Seen from this perspective, migrant lives are in a form of double jeopardy as dramatically demonstrated, e.g., by the current distribution crisis of Covid-19 vaccines. In this context, literary narratives––novels, poems, short stories, biographies, and autobiographies––emerge as an alternative form of representation: First, they may resist both national policies of exclusion by literally writing migrant lives into the script of the nation. Second, they may defy a mere focus on medical diagnosis, especially where this diagnosis is divorced from cultural context. Defying these categories, these narratives may revolve around “unruly” subjects who refuse to be contained.
Linking illness, mental health, and trauma, such representations can also serve as a critique of health care systems. Nation-states can draw a line between those who are eligible for health care and those who are seen as “undeserving” of such care. Recent investigation as well as historical research has revealed that medical care and adequate nutrition can be withheld by state institutions. As forms of medical negligence or health injustice, such practices have been documented regarding residential schools for Native American children as well as vis-à-vis inmates of state prisons. In all these different contexts, Medical Humanities are closely connected to considerations of social justice and health equity. Instances of an absence of medical care, in turn, can be tied to the crossing of national or internal borders with which Transnational American Studies has also been concerned.
For this special forum, we seek contributions that explore the intricate connections between medical and migrant experiences and their cultural impact in past and present, such as
– Migration and mental health/trauma
– Migration and somatic manifestations
– Migration and challenges for health care systems
– Migration of medical knowledge
– Migration of medical professionals
– Migration and narrative medicine
– Migration and epi-/pandemics
– Migration and disability
– Migration and age
– Migration and global health/one health
– Migration and medical ethics
Please submit a 250-word abstract by September 30, 2021. The editors will review abstracts and invite full-length essays of 5,000–8,000 words. Please email abstracts and questions to Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee ( and Dr. Davina Höll (
Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee and her project team are looking for an American StudiesPhD student to join their project “Alter(n) als Leistung: Successful Aging, Best Agers und die Logik der Superlative,” which is part of the recently established SFB 1482 Humandifferenzierung at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. The Collaborative Research Centre is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for an initial period of four years. The PhD will be employed as wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (65%, 4 years, EG 13 TV-L, starting Aug 1, 2021 or as soon as possible).
You can find further information and more details here or on the image below.
We are looking forward to your application!
(An extension to the deadline might be possible upon request.)