“The Post-Obama Ethos: The Transnational U.S. in the Aftermath of Hope”
International Interdisciplinary Symposium
Symposium Sponsors: Obama Institute & Georgia State University
Host Institution: Georgia State University
March 22 – 23, 2018
CfP Post Obama Ethos (PDF)
The English Department of Georgia State University and its departmental partners in collaboration with
the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU)
Mainz, and the Atlantic Academy (in Kaiserslautern) welcome proposals for this Spring 2018 Symposium
on the topic of “The Post-Obama Ethos.” Assembling a body of leading international scholars in
interdisciplinary re-search and teaching areas, this symposium will explore the global importance of
cultures, populations, poli-cies and discourses marked by the completion of the two term presidency of the
44th United States President, Barack Obama. The storm of political changes in the U.S. within days of
President Obama’s end of term have been felt widely. Nationally and internationally, President Obama’s
departure from office has coincided with a wave of social, political, economic, religious, and scientific
changes. Panelists and speakers from fields across the humanities, law, public policy, the arts, and the
social sciences will present critical perspec-tives of, and reflect on the immediate post-Obama period and
the prospects of the global discourse of hope that will mark the legacy of the 44th U.S. President.
The Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS) editors, in attendance, will consider essays
originat-ing out of this symposium for publication.
We welcome abstracts of 250 – 300 words that summarize papers that will critically engage ways to see
and understand the era unfolding before us in the spirit of Barack Obama’s “Audacity of Hope.”
Send Abstracts as Attachments to: ewest@gsu.edu
Abstract Deadline: January 20, 2018
Notification: January 22, 2018