Heroes in Print: Media Representation and Changing Frames of Heroism
An Online Symposium organized by
Simge Büyükgümüs (Obama Institute for Transnational Periodical Studies)
March 4-5, 2022
The symposium “Heroes in Print: Media Representations and Changing Frames of Heroism” aims to create an open-discussion space for people who’s study heroism – from aspects of psychology, literature, history, or media studies – and people who contribute to the creations or representations of heroes through media or social organizations. As an initiative of the Obama Institute for Transnational Periodical Studies, magazine and print representations of frames regarding heroism will be highlighted through the involvement of magazine editors and organization directors. Their contributions to the ionization of heroes, whether human or non-human agents, will be viewed through an academic viewpoint that considers the historical, psychological and philosophical aspects of the creation and maintenance of heroic ideals. Changes in the heroic images during the Covid-19 pandemic are most welcome to be involved and scrutinized in the presentations so as to be able to capture the most recent undulations in heroic ideals.
We welcome Prof. Dr. Scott T. Allison (University of Richmond, USA), Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte (University of Flensburg, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Simon Wendt (Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany) as frontier names in Heroism Studies.
Additionally, we look forward to contributions from:
Burnt Roti Magazine (UK) –
The Heroic Imagination Project (USA) –
My Hero Project (USA) –