Jan 16 – Guest Lecture “twen. Zum Design von Literaturbeiträgen in einem Zeitgeistmagazin der frühen Bundesrepublik” 🗓

Jan 16 – Guest Lecture “twen. Zum Design von Literaturbeiträgen in einem Zeitgeistmagazin der frühen Bundesrepublik” 🗓

Philipp Pabst
(Universität Münster)

twen. Zum Design von Literaturbeiträgen in einem Zeitgeistmagazin der frühen Bundesrepublik”

Jan 16, 2024, 4:15pm, 00-212 (Philo II)

Das Zeitgeistmagazin twen war in den 1960er-Jahren tonangebend in Fragen moderner Lebensführung für junge Menschen. Vor allem als Ikone des Zeitschriftendesigns ist die von Willy Fleckhaus gestaltete Zeitschrift noch heute bekannt. Weniger weiß man über die literarischen und literaturkritischen Beiträge, die einen festen Bestandteil in jedem Heft bildeten. Das ist insofern verwunderlich, da namhafte Autor:innen wie Alfred Andersch, Arno Schmidt, Simone de Beauvoir und Allen Ginsberg in twen publizierten. Der Vortrag geht diesem Bereich exemplarisch nach und fragt dabei, wie Literatur und Literaturkritik im Medium Zeitschrift in Szene gesetzt werden.

Dr. Philipp Pabst studierte Germanistik, Geschichte und Philosophie an der Universität Münster sowie der Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. 2019 Promotion mit einer Arbeit über das Populäre in der Literatur der frühen Bundesrepublik. Seitdem Postdoc am Germanistischen Institut der Universität Münster. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Literatur und Populärkultur, kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenforschung, televisuelle Serialität sowie Weltanschauungen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur um 1800 und um 1900.

You can download the poster for the event here.

Dec 11 – Symposium with Chinese Delegation: Chinese and Western Literary and Artistic Thoughts 🗓

Dec 11 – Symposium with Chinese Delegation: Chinese and Western Literary and Artistic Thoughts 🗓

Symposium with Chinese Delegation:

The comparative study of Chinese and Western literary and artistic thoughts in the light of interacting civilizations


Monday, 11 December, 10 a.m.-12 noon & 2-4 p.m.

Philo II, room 02.102, Jakob-Welder-Weg 20


A high potential delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Literature, will visit the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies from Dec. 10-13, 2023.

The symposium is open to students, colleagues and friends interested in exchanging ideas with these Chinese experts and relating our knowledges to non-Western thought patterns. The visit of the Chinese delegation will also include information and advice for exchanges with China.

The symposium on „The comparative study of Chinese and Western literary and artistic thoughts in the light of interacting civilizations” will feature presentations on the fields of research by the six directors and scholars from the elite institution of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing: Literatures in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, Early Modern Literary Studies, Folk Literary Studies, and Digital Information Studies. In the discussions these presentations will be linked to forms of literature and culture in the West, especially Europe and North America.

The interdisciplinary platform of the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies is especially qualified for entertaining these interactions between different civilizations.

Please see below for the flyer or click here to open it.

Professor Alfred Hornung will host this event. If you have further questions about the event, please contact him at hornung@uni-mainz.de.


Dec 8 – Online Career Talk Series: Young Researchers in Transnational American Studies 🗓

Dec 8 – Online Career Talk Series: Young Researchers in Transnational American Studies 🗓

Career Talk Series: Young Researchers in Transnational American Studies

02: Journal Editing at the Journal of Transnational American Studies

Friday, 8 December, 4-6.30 p.m.

Online on MS Teams; please click here in order to access the meeting.

This link will open the meeting in your browser or the MS Teams application, if you have it. You don’t need to have it installed in order to join the meeting; you can do so using your browser.

Everyone is welcome to join us for the second event of our Career Talk Series Young Researchers in Transnational American Studies!

Please see below for details or click here for the flyer.

On December 8, 2023, we will hear from five researchers who dedicate part of their work time to editing the Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS). JTAS has two editorial homes – one at Stanford University and the other at JGU’s Obama Institute – and the team behind it works from all over the world.

Next to presentations of their currents projects, we will also discuss aspects of screening submissions, finding reviewers, copy editing, and preparing galley proofs for publication on the eScholarship platform of California. The symposium will also include the way in which this editorial work aids in building a professional academic career.

Professor Alfred Hornung will host this event. If you have further questions about the event, please contact him at hornung@uni-mainz.de.

Dec 5 – Guest Lecture “Cyphering Books in the Archive” 🗓

Dec 5 – Guest Lecture “Cyphering Books in the Archive” 🗓

Lukas Etter
(Universität Siegen)

“Cyphering Books in the Archive”

Dec 5, 2023, 4:15pm, 00-212 (Philo II)


Coupling documented artifacts and methodological reflection, this paper will center around cyphering books (alternative spelling ‘ciphering books’) from archives of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century North American education. It will present excerpts from these hand-written mathematical exercise books and reflect upon the productive paradox that the cultural historian faces when studying them. On the one hand, these books often testify to the idea of officialism and longevity; they may be several hundred pages long and exhibit rather rigid genre elements (verbatim noting what the schoolmasters read out; adhering to calligraphic precision). On the other, cyphering books may also document social history, as when the exercises of simple and advanced arithmetic are enriched with personal marginalia, including doodles, puns, poems, spontaneous penmanship exercises, and invectives against other individuals in the classroom.


The author of Distinctive Styles and Authorship in Alternative Comics (De Gruyter, 2021), Lukas Etter holds a postdoctoral position at the University of Siegen. Recent work has focused on the cultural aspects of mathematical word problems in antebellum America; the current project Clandestine Calculation will circle around similar phenomena in the archive of eighteenth-century North America.


You can download the poster for the event here.


Nov 29 & Jan 17 – Student Conference Workshops 🗓

Nov 29 & Jan 17 – Student Conference Workshops 🗓

Nov 29, 2023 & Jan 17, 2024 – 16.15-17.45 – Student Conference Workshops – P6 (Philosophicum)

To all advanced Bachelor’s and Master’s students who are interested in learning how to write and present a conference paper: Please join us for one or both of the student conference paper workshops on Nov 29 and Jan 17. The workshops are part of a seminar by Dr. Julia Velten but are open to any students who are interested.

Please see the flyer below for details or download it here.

Everyone is welcome!