June 20-23 – Conference “Cultures of Medicine” & Workshop “Narrative Medicine” 🗓

June 20-23 – Conference “Cultures of Medicine” & Workshop “Narrative Medicine” 🗓

The Obama Institute and the “Narrative Medicine” program at Columbia University, New York invite everyone to a conference (June 20 & 21) and a workshop (June 22 & 23) on “Cultures of Medicine” and “Narrative Medicine” (co-organized with the Center of Continuing Education at JGU).

For the full schedule, further details, and registration, please visit zww.uni-mainz.de/tagungen-und-workshops/narrative-medicine/.

You can also download the flyer here.

Conference participation is free of charge.
For remission or reimbursement of the workshop fee, please contact Prof. Banerjee.

May 8 – Periodicals and Globalization (Workshop) 🗓

May 8 – Periodicals and Globalization (Workshop) 🗓

Research Group “Transnational Periodical Cultures”

Periodicals and Globalization (Workshop V)

May 8, 2019, 9:45 a.m.-6 p.m., Campus Germersheim (Raum 117, Sitzungsraum)

The research group “Transnational Periodical Cultures” (Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff, Bjørn von Rimscha, Oliver Scheiding) holds a series of workshops on the following dates:

May 8, 2019 – Workshop V – Periodicals and Globalization
June 5, 2019 – Workshop VI  – Translation and Transnational Periodical Cultures
June 26, 2019 – Doktorandenworkshop – Aktuelle Theorie- und Methodenprobleme der Zeitschriftenforschung

You can find the program for the event on May 8, 2019 here.

If you are interested in attending one of the workshops or specific talks, please contact one of the organizers mentioned above.

For further information, please visit www.transnationalperiodicalcultures.net.

Feb 8 – Career Workshop: American Art 🗓

Feb 8 – Career Workshop: American Art 🗓

Career Workshop: American Art

February 8, 2019

Helmholtz Institute Mainz
Staudingerweg 18
55128 Mainz

Conference Room 1395-00-133/135 (Ground Floor), 10 a.m.–11 a.m.


Interested in studying American art, working in museums, applying for research funding, or pursuing an academic career? In this unique workshop, speakers from the symposium International Perspectives on American Art will share their varied career paths in an informal discussion with students.

Dr. Christian Berger, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz/The Courtauld Institute of Art, London
Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Ursula Frohne, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Eleanor Harvey, Ph.D., Senior Curator, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
Anna O. Marley, Ph.D., Curator of Historical American Art, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia
Susanne Scharf, M.A., Frankfurt am Main

Space is limited. Please register by email to Dr. Allison M. Stagg: allstagg@uni-mainz.de by February 1.

You can download the poster for the workshop here.

Title image: George Caleb Bingham, American, 1811–1879; The Wood-Boat, 1850; oil on canvas mounted on board; 25 1/8 in. × 30 inches; Saint Louis Art Museum, Museum Purchase 14:1951

Jan 16–18 – Keeping the Faith: Glaube und Journalismus – Conference Room, Helmholtz Institute. Organized by Prof. Oliver Scheiding and Anja-Maria Bassimir 🗓

Jan 16–18 – Keeping the Faith: Glaube und Journalismus – Conference Room, Helmholtz Institute. Organized by Prof. Oliver Scheiding and Anja-Maria Bassimir 🗓

Religious media are part of the knowledge production of faith communities. As producers, disseminators and archivists they play important roles for perpetuating a certain faith tradition. In this workshop, we will analyze how religious journalists and others involved in producing religious online and print media work and thus nourish and support religious affiliation. For this purpose, we will look at three areas of religious journalism: content, technology, and the larger religious network.


Religiöse Medien sind Teil der Wissensproduktion einer Glaubensgemeinschaft. Als Produzenten, Verteiler und Archivare spielen Medien eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erhaltung und Weiterführung einer Glaubenstradition. In diesem Workshop setzen wir uns damit auseinander, wie religiöse Journalisten und andere, die an der Produktion von religiösen online Inhalten und Printmedien beteiligt sind, arbeiten und so religiöse Zugehörigkeit pflegen und unterstützen. Daher werden wir uns mit drei Bereichen des religiösen Journalismus auseinandersetzen: Inhalten, Technologien und dem Netzwerk.


Download the program for the workshop here.
Nov 21 – Unternehmen und Akteure (Workshop) 🗓

Nov 21 – Unternehmen und Akteure (Workshop) 🗓

Research Group “Transnational Periodical Cultures”

Unternehmen und Akteure (Workshop II)

Nov 21, 2018, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Campus Germersheim (Raum 117, Sitzungsraum)


The research group “Transnational Periodical Cultures” (Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff, Bjørn von Rimscha, Oliver Scheiding) holds a series of workshops on the following dates:

Oct 17, 2018 – Workshop I – Markets, Standardization and Adaptation
Nov 21, 2018 – Workshop II  – Unternehmen und Akteure
Dec 12, 2018 – Workshop III – Zeitschriften und Digitalisierung
Jan 16, 2019 – Workshop IV – Zeitschriften, Gestaltung, Design

You can find the program for the event on Nov 21, 2018 here.

If you are interested in attending one of the workshops or specific talks, please contact one of the organizers mentioned above.

For further information, please visit www.transnationalperiodicalcultures.net.

Workshop for PhD Students (Transnational Periodical Cultures) 🗓

Workshop for PhD Students (Transnational Periodical Cultures) 🗓

Transnational Periodical Cultures
Workshop for PhD Students

Jan 23, 2019, 10-16
Philosophicum II (Ground Floor, Conference Room)


On January 23, 2019, the research group Transnational Periodical Cultures will hold a workshop for PhD students where the participants’ current projects, dissertations, or masters theses will be discussed.

All those who are interested in participating are kindly asked to hand in their topics (to Prof. Ernst or Prof. Scheiding) until mid-December 2018.

The presentation format will be a short talk (approx. 20min.) followed by a discussion (not longer than 45min. for each project).